Career gathers momentum with the maximum realization of opportunities!
Opportunities knock at various stages of life! Most of it comes when you badly need a change! A career is never a smooth ride! It is full of turns and twists! We need to take drastic steps sometimes when our career hits a roadblock!
If you are in a process of making one of those big decisions in life, read this article! I have shared a handful of tips to create a blueprint for a career change! When you stand at the crossroads decision-making becomes important! If you follow these 7 tips I am sure you will be able to make a decent choice for yourself that will never fail!
Be aware that you have a choice!
When you are troubled you will make an unconscious decision. Such decisions come overnight and mature into a conscious decisions soon after! If I could relate to your frustration on the job! You remain unhappy until the day some incident or treatment that met out to you sparks the outcome! Here you need to decide whether job security will rule over your happiness or otherwise! People mostly choose happiness over security! They are ready to take a risk by quitting jobs but never accept derogation or damaged self-esteem. Recognize that you have a choice and in your path of turning around in your career, you need to pick one right option!
Here you need to decide whether job security will rule over your happiness or otherwise!
Notice when your DIE is taking the lead!
The Dwarf Inner Entity (I call it DIE) and others have named it “ego” always prompts you to take the opposite direction! It wants to weigh in, dither, doubt, argue, and above all, avoid uncertainty and loss at any costs. The DIE is a deterrent force that seldom people could avoid.
When inner identity (DIE) decides on behalf of your conscious self, mostly your fears drive the choice! Fear will decide the most secure option irrespective of the damage the crisis may cause to your sentiment, health, happiness, and earning opportunities! When your conscious self identifies the conflict with your inner-self you will be in control to decide on your future! Many fail to realize the conflict and take a leap in their career! They bear the disgruntled life till major damage ruins their career!
When inner identity (DIE) decides on behalf of your conscious self, mostly your fears drive the choice!
Let your soul decide!
Your mind works with rationality; guided by your past experiences and beliefs! Mind too acts like your inner self and puts up conflicts with your soul! The soul knows what you are going through, it is driven by your values, and what you stand for! If you make soul the determining authority of these critical calls: you will be secured by your values that will never let to disgrace!
You might get dragged into contradictions between your DIE and Soul! The inner self needs to accept defeat as it never compromises with the soul that it will reign supreme and make a heartfelt choice that will make you happy! The best way to activate the soul is by surrendering spiritually, look at yourself deeper inside! When you are perplexed be alone and seek your soul to guide you! You will find direction!
If you make soul the determining authority of these critical calls: you will be secured by your values that will never let to disgrace!
Seek professional guidance!
Even the smartest people cannot decide for themselves! Your mind at the height of frustration switches off; your inner self takes that opportunity! It is tough for the most intelligent people to decide on the forward course. If it is your career: circumstantial factors will build the shroud of confusion!
I have experienced such a situation with many people who are stuck but unable to decide for themselves! Consult a coach or phycologist! Engaging a coach is not so popular in India but in the western world, it is prevalent! The guide will hold the mirror in front of you and skillfully nudge you towards the decision that already resides within you.
The guide will hold the mirror in front of you and skillfully nudge you towards the decision that already resides within you.
Believe in your Intuition!
I am a strong believer in intuition!
You never know when and how your intuition will prompt you to take a certain step! I am sure you must have some experience of your intuition guiding you! Life-changing decisions are not easy to make!
You may have a negative hunch as you seldom visualize what exactly your decision will turn into!
Intuitions are the last shot after you pick a choice and your inner-self surrenders to your soul!
You need to believe and remain conscious as no one knows when intuition will show up! If you can notice it in time and follow it, you will appreciate it with ease and trust it more to work for you!
Intuitions are the last shot after you pick a choice and your inner-self surrenders to your soul!
Read the signals that your body transmits.
Our body acts like Google Maps! It constantly directs you to the shortest and decent ways & ever you get diverted, it will tell you how much more time & congestion you may encounter! If you decide to go to a friend’s party and your mind & your better half both object, you will find your body will start giving you signals to drop the deal!
If you start practicing visualization seriously, you will certainly find decision-making is getting easier! The body does not work alone it has a deep connection with your mind and soul! While these two elements go through the rigors of contradictions, the body keeps sensing that and certainly guides you to the right call! It is only how fast you sense and trust the signal!
Our body acts like Google Maps! It constantly directs you to the shortest and decent ways
Be sensitive to what hurts you.
This is the last tip I am going to share but count this as the most critical! People are scared of a life-changing decision because they stop trusting themselves! When I turned to Career Coaching and declared socially, my well-wisher's extended help with job options! I am glad and grateful to have those kind souls around me! But I had to battle with many questions that put me in a fix for a few months!
Should I pick up a job?
Will I be successful in my coaching journey?
What if I fail?
Such circumstances become trivial before the pain of breaching my soul’s integrity! If anyone asks me a naïve but important question, when should I take the leap of faith in a journey to liberate myself from the rut? You will realize at a point when your pain of remaining trapped in an unhappy career exceeds the fear of exploring the uncertain, it’s your time to plunge.
You will realize at a point when your pain of remaining trapped in an unhappy career exceeds the fear of exploring the uncertain, it’s your time to plunge.
If you are unable to decide for yourself, book a free 30 mins discovery call with me by clicking the link 👉
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